Tarot Writers is a celebration and exploration of tarot card culture, writing craft, and the writer’s life.
On the pages of this site and the companion books you will find useful, informative, inspiring guidance that will help you use tarot to serve your writing craft and your life as a writer.
Who Is Tarot Writers For?
Tarot Writers is for all writers who are interested in tarot culture.
Fiction, non-fiction, professional, hobby writer, journal writer, all types of writers writing all kinds of things will benefit from the information here.
If you’re completely new to the tarot world, then you will find heaps of useful and accessible guidance to help you get started with writing with tarot.
If you’re well familiar with tarot already, you will find discussions that will contribute to your learning of tarot.
This site is not an ultimate everything there is to know about writing or tarot or the space where they meet. Both writing and tarot are lifelong practices, always evolving and forever varying between individuals. We never stop learning to write. We never stop learning tarot. Tarot Writers has grown out of my experiences as a writer and tarot enthusiast. I’m no expert on anything, just an enthusiast having a conversation and offering up my ideas and opinions in the hope someone might find this interesting and helpful.
Please join the conversation by commenting on articles, or reaching out to me via email.
Who Am I?

My name is Kate Krake. I am a fantasy writer and have been reading tarot for about thirty years. I write fiction and non-fiction and over the decades have worn dozens of different writing hats from academic writing, music journalism, copywriting, blogging, and novelist and short fiction author.
You can read about my introduction to tarot here – An Author’s Tarot Journey.
More about my fiction at www.katekrakefiction.com.
Tarot And Spirituality
Tarot Writers takes a secular approach to tarot culture. I respect all spiritual beliefs about tarot, but my personal spirituality remains largely private and is not represented in these pages.
All work I do with Tarot Writers focuses on the cards as creative tools, symbols steeped in eons of tradition that can help us think and feel differently, often in ways we might never have before considered. Tarot is many things for many people and only you get to decide what it means to you.
Companion Books
Support Tarot Writers – Make A Donation
Tarot Writers is a labour of love intended to inspire and to guide authors into new and captivating dimensions of their creativity.
If you enjoy the site and my work, you can make a donation through the Buy Me A Coffee platform.
Buy Me A Coffee is a safe and secure donation and membership service that enables readers and other types of consumers to connect with creators and offer support with a small donation.
Any amount you donate is appreciated to no end.
Money received goes to fueling my tarot card and coffee addiction, and also keeping the site online by paying server fees and all those admin things.
Kate Krake’s Buy Me A Coffee Page
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Tarot Writers, and other sites in the Inkwell & Elm group, participates in the following affiliate programs:
- Amazon
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- Draft2Digital
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